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Account structure and permissions in Peacock Ad Manager

This page provides an overview of account and role structure in Peacock Ad Manager.

Account setup using Business Manager

Business Manager is where you set up and manage Peacock Ad Manager permissions and roles. If you have the Org Admin role, you can use Business Manager to: 

  • Invite new users to the organization 

  • Add users to ad accounts 

  • Change a user’s org or ad account role 

  • Deactivate users from an org 

  • Remove users from an ad account 

  • Initiate password reset 

Account structure  

User access and permissions are enabled via a combination of org- and ad account-level roles. An org account provides access to the Peacock Ad Manager platform. Ad accounts are where campaigns are created and managed. 

The following diagram illustrates the general account structure in Peacock Ad Manager. 

Account structure in Peacock Ad Manager. Org level is at the top with ad accounts underneath. Campaigns live under ad accounts.

Within each type of account (org and ad account), assigned user roles provide specific platform permissions. 


There are two types of roles in Peacock Ad Manager: org roles (one per user) and ad account roles (one per user, per ad account).  

Org roles 

Org roles determine a user’s high-level permissions.  

🔏 Org Admin is a super-user role across the org. This role provides full system access including billing and user management and is ideal for team and company leadership.

🗣️ Members comprise 95% of org users. Members do the day-to-day work on ad accounts and have access to only specific aspects of the org.  

🏢 Guests are members from another company. Like Members, they need to be granted specific ad account roles. 

The following table details the level of system access for each org role. 





Org details and users 

Full access 

Read only 

No access 

Billing account details 

Full access 

Read only 

No access 


Full access 

Full access 

Full access 


Full access 

Full access 

Full access 

Ad account details and users 

Full access 

Depends on ad account role 

No access 

Campaigns, ad groups, creative 

Full access 

Depends on ad account role 

Depends on ad account role 

*Org Guest roles never have Business Manager access regardless of the corresponding ad account role.  

Ad account roles 

Once a user has an org role, the Org Admin provides the user with a specific ad account role, which determines access to campaigns, reports, and users. Users can have distinct roles for different ad accounts. 

🔏 Ad Account Admins manage overarching financial rules and user access. This role includes ad account budget and user controls. 

📺 Campaign Managers create and manage ad campaigns for their ad accounts. This role includes access to campaign info, ad groups, budget, creative, and reporting. 

👁️‍🗨️ Analysts have read only/reporting access. This is the safest role to give users who don’t need day-to-day access.  

The following table details the level of system access for each ad account role. 


Ad Account Admin 

Campaign Manager 


Org details and users 

Read only 

Read only 

Read only 

Billing account details 

Read only 

Read only 

No access 


Full access 

Full access 

Full access 


Full access 

Full access 

Full access 

Ad account details and users 

Full access 

Read only 

Read only 

Campaigns, ad groups, creative 

Full access 

Full access 

Read only 

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