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Metric definitions and formulas

The following table defines all available metrics in the reporting dashboards. Available metrics vary based on the kind of business you advertise. 



Attributable Outcomes 

Number of conversions from the campaign within the attribution window 

Average Frequency 

Average number of impressions a user is exposed to within a time frame 

 Total impressions / Number of unique users 

Average Frequency Before Conversion 

Average number of impressions a user is exposed to before conversion 

 Total impressions before conversion / Number of unique users 

Average Revenue Per Conversion 

Revenue /  Number of conversions 

Contracted CPA Rate 

Advertiser configured goal value for their ideal cost per acquisition (i.e., cost per conversion) 


Any desired action or event performed by a user exposed to your ad (e.g., make an in-app purchase, create an account, etc.). A conversion may not occur immediately after viewing an ad. Additional time may pass or additional events (such as ad views) may occur before there is a conversion. 

Cost per Action (Outcome Date) 

Total spend on the date / Count of actions on the date (ignoring the data of the attributable impressions) 

Actions are defined during account setup and vary by advertiser (e.g. purchases, signups, etc.).

Cost per Completed Video 

Total spend on ads / total completed video views 

Cost per Conversion 

Total spend on ads /  Number of conversions 

Cost per First Visitor 

Cost per unique visitor 

Cost per Install (CPI) 

Spend per app install 

Cost per Lead 

Average spend per lead generated from your ads 

Cost per Purchase 

Total spend on ads /  Number of purchase events 

Cost per Registration 

Total spend on ads /  Number of registration events 

Cost per Visit (CPV) 

Average spend per website visit  

 Multiple visits within an hour from the same household are counted as one visit 


Effective cost per mille 

Average spend for every 1,000 impressions that were shown within the specified date range 

Exposed Converted Value (for outcome) 

Marketer sales/gross merchandise value attributable to your campaigns 

First Conversion Date 

Timestamp of the first conversion event  

First Impression Date 

Timestamp of the first ad exposure 


Count of times the ad was viewed 

Household Conversion Rate 

Count of converting households / Count of total exposed households 


Count of ad exposures  

Install Rate 

Percentage of impressions served that resulted in an install  

 (Total installs / Total impressions) x 100  

Latest Conversion Date 

Timestamp of the last conversion event  

Last Impression Date 

Timestamp of the last ad exposure 

Last Touch 

Attribution model – Last touch attribution credits conversions solely to the last ad interaction that directly led to the conversion 

Order Value 

Total monetary value of the conversion 

Outcome Time 

Time the outcome for the ad occurred.


A person is shown an ad on 6/1 at 3pm, but converts (e.g., makes a purchase, visits the website, etc.) on 6/3 3pm. The outcome time is 6/3 3pm.


Count of unique households that were exposed to the ad 

Registration Rate 

Ratio of total registrations to total impressions 


Your earnings as a result of the ad campaign(s). This value is collected via a postback or tracking code.. 


Return on ad spend.  Measures the effectiveness of different ad channels and techniques by calculating the revenue you generate by running an ad campaign compared to your campaign spend. 

 Calculated as Total conversion value / Costs 

Site Visit Conversion Rate 

Count of site visits that led to a conversion / Count of total site visits 

Site Visit Rate 

Count of site visits / Count of impressions 

Time Decay 

Chart representing customer touchpoints across the campaign based on their proximity to the conversion goal. More credit is given to interactions closer to the conversion event.  

Total Calls 

Count of call events 

Total Clicks 

Count of click events by a viewer of an ad 

Total Conversion Rate 

Count of attributable events by viewers of an ad 

Total Conversions 

Generic term referring to the count of outcomes (purchases and installs are loosely referred to as conversions).  

 Frequently used in CPC and other metric names and when the generic name simplified across use cases. 

Total Exposed Household (Reach) 

Count of households who were shown an ad 

Total Funnel Steps 

Count of events categorized as funnel steps 

Total In-App Events 

Count of attributable post-install events occurring in the downloaded app and used to measure engagement 

Total In-App Purchase 

Purchases made by users after they have installed your app. 

If your campaign is set up to send postbacks about post-install purchases, you can report on in-app purchases to track RAS. In-app purchases don’t include any other in-app events. 

Total Installs 

Count of attributable app installs by viewers of an ad 

Total Leads 

Count of leads generated from exposure to ads 

Total Other Conversions 

Count of converted impressions whose event category is “other” 

Total Purchase Value 

Value from purchases attributable to your campaigns, de-duped by household 

Total Purchases 

Count of purchases attributable to your campaigns, de-duped by household 

Total Registrations 

Count of attributable lead registrations/similar events by viewers of an ad 

Total Spend USD 

Amount spent on impressions that were shown during the specified date range 

Total Video Completes 

Count of ads that were viewed to completion  

Unique Visitor Rate 

Count of unique household visitors / Count of total visitors 

Unique Visitors 

Count of deduped visitors 

Video Completion Rate 

Count of completed views / Count of impressions 

View of a Key Page 

Count of outcomes such as “AboutPage” or “ContactUs” that roll up to the action describing the viewer of an ad visiting a key website page 

Website Visits 

Count of website visits by unique user per day 


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