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Ad-account actions

You must have the Ad Account Admin role to perform the following ad account-level actions. See Account structure and permissions in Peacock Ad Manager for information on role permissions.

Change a user’s ad account role 

If you’re a user who needs certain access to a specific ad account, reach out to your org admin following your company’s standard procedure (e.g., ticket, email). 

Open Business Manager and click Users. Then click Manage next to the user you want to work with.


  1. On the user profile, click the Ad Accounts tab. 

  2. In the Ad Account Role column, select a new role for the user. This new role applies only to the selected ad account.  

Screenshot of the Ad Account Role column with the dropdown expanded to show the following options - Admin, Make Campaign Manager, Make Analyst, Remove User.

Remove a user from an ad account 

Remove users from an ad account from the Ad Accounts list or a user’s profile. 

From the Ad Account list

Open Business Manager and click Ad Accounts. Then click Manage next to the ad account you want to work with. 


  1. Click the Ad Account Users tab. 

  2. Locate the user you want to remove. 

  3. In the Ad Account Role column, select Remove User from the drop-down menu.  

Screenshot of the Ad Account Role column with the dropdown expanded to show the following options - Admin, Make Campaign Manager, Make Analyst, Remove User.

From the user profile

Open Business Manager and click Users. Then click Manage next to the user you want to work with.


  1. On the user profile, click the Ad Accounts tab. 

  2. In the Ad Account Role column, select Remove User from the drop-down menu. 

The user is removed only from the selected ad account. They are not removed from the org. 

Screenshot of the Ad Account Role column with the dropdown expanded to show the following options - Admin, Make Campaign Manager, Make Analyst, Remove User.

Reset a user’s password 

Open Business Manager and click Users. Then click Manage next to the user you want to work with.


In the Password field, click RESET

Screenshot of the user profile screen in Peacock Ad Manager with an arrow highlighting the reset password link.

Change a user’s ad account role 

If you’re a user who needs certain access to a specific ad account, reach out to your org admin following your company’s standard procedure (e.g., ticket, email). 

Open Business Manager and click Users. Then click Manage next to the user you want to work with.


  1. On the user profile, click the Ad Accounts tab. 

  2. In the Ad Account Role column, select a new role for the user. This new role applies only to the selected ad account.  

Screenshot of the Ad Account Role column with the dropdown expanded to show the following options - Admin, Make Campaign Manager, Make Analyst, Remove User.

Remove a user from an ad account 

Remove users from an ad account from the Ad Accounts list or a user’s profile. 

From the Ad Account list

Open Business Manager and click Ad Accounts. Then click Manage next to the ad account you want to work with. 


  1. Click the Ad Account Users tab. 

  2. Locate the user you want to remove. 

  3. In the Ad Account Role column, select Remove User from the drop-down menu.  

Screenshot of the Ad Account Role column with the dropdown expanded to show the following options - Admin, Make Campaign Manager, Make Analyst, Remove User.

From the user profile

Open Business Manager and click Users. Then click Manage next to the user you want to work with.


  1. On the user profile, click the Ad Accounts tab. 

  2. In the Ad Account Role column, select Remove User from the drop-down menu. 

The user is removed only from the selected ad account. They are not removed from the org. 

Screenshot of the Ad Account Role column with the dropdown expanded to show the following options - Admin, Make Campaign Manager, Make Analyst, Remove User.

Reset a user’s password 

Open Business Manager and click Users. Then click Manage next to the user you want to work with.


In the Password field, click RESET

Screenshot of the user profile screen in Peacock Ad Manager with an arrow highlighting the reset password link.

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