Campaign budget
Required. Choose the appropriate type of budget depending on the pacing/flighting needs of your campaign. You specify budget information when you create the campaign, and you can change this information at any time. See Edit campaign budget for more information on working with budgets.
View budget information for all campaigns on the Active Campaigns list.
Lifetime budget Choose this option to spread the budget as evenly as possible over the life of the campaign while considering higher and lower traffic days to optimize your overall performance.
Daily budget Choose this option to set a maximum amount you want to spend for a campaign on a per-day basis.
Best Practice
You have the option to specify whether your campaign runs using a daily or total budget. For maximum control on a day-to-day basis, NBCU recommends using daily budget for your campaigns. This gives you flexibility with campaign pacing and helps you control how much your campaign spends each day.
Reserve total budget for campaigns you want to “set and forget” and have the platform automatically deliver within the specified end date. Total budget works best when you have more flexibility on how much you spend each day.