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Download dashboards and metrics from Peacock Ad Manager

The process and options for downloading content and formatting downloaded content vary depending on whether you're downloading an entire dashboard or a single metric tile. 

Download a dashboard 

To download an entire dashboard, in the dashboard controls, click image-20240611-185310.png > Download


You have more options for customization when downloading an individual metric tile than an entire dashboard. See Download data from metric tiles for more information. 

Complete the fields in the dialog as described in the following table:




Select CSV or PDF.


  • Downloads all metric tiles on the dashboard in a ZIP file.

  • Options for formatting, such as setting custom row limits are unavailable. The row limits in the downloaded files correlate to the row limits on the corresponding tiles. 

  • Text-only tiles aren’t included in the ZIP file. 


  • A downloaded PDF displays all dashboard tiles and filters, the time zone the dashboard was run in, and a timestamp indicating when the dashboard was downloaded.

  • PDF downloads may not exactly match the layout or sizing of the dashboard as viewed within Peacock Ad Manager. 

Paper size

Select an option from the dropdown menu.

Fit Page to Dashboard is selected by default and sizes the PDF to the default width for dashboards, 1260 pixels.  Other paper sizes adjust the PDF to match a standard paper size and fit all or part of the dashboard within it.

Depending on the layout of the dashboard and the selected paper size, PDF outputs may differ from the dashboard layout when viewed in Peacock Ad Manager. For example, if you select a paper size that’s narrower than the dashboard, you may have issues with the spacing or other formatting and need to make some adjustments.  


  • You may need to resize large visualizations or groups of overlapping tiles. 

  • Tiles containing tables may not show all table columns in the PDF. 

  • Tiles may be narrowed to fit the PDF. 

  • Tiles that required scrolling in Peacock Ad Manager may not expand to display all content. 


If you select something other than Fit Page to Dashboard in the Paper Size drop-down, the Orientation field appears. Specify if you want the dashboard to appear in portrait or landscape.


Expand tables to show all rows

  • Selected For dashboard tiles that use table visualizations, the PDF shows all the rows that are available in the table visualization, not just the rows that are visible in the dashboard tile thumbnail. 

  • Deselected Only rows visible in the thumbnail without scrolling will appear in the PDF. 

  • Dashboard tiles with table visualizations may look slightly different in downloaded PDFs than they do inside Peacock Ad Manager.  

Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column

  • Selected The PDF displays dashboard tiles in a single vertical column.  

  • Deselected Dashboard tiles appear as they are arranged in the dashboard. 

Open in Browser

Click to see an image of the PDF in a new tab of your browser. From there, you can opt to download the PDF using your browser's controls. 


Click to initiate the download. A new tab in your browser will open, showing the status of your download. 

Download data from metric tiles 

When you download individual metrics, you have several options for customizing how you save and format the information. 

To download the data from a dashboard tile, in the tile controls, click image-20240611-185251.png > Download data. The Download <Metric name> dialog appears. 


Complete the fields in the dialog as described in the following table:



Advanced data options

Expand to see all available options for your download.


(warning) Not available for PNG downloads. 


Select your desired format from the available options: 

  • TXT 

  • Excel 

  • CSV 

  • JSON 

  • HTML 

  • Markdown 

  • PNG 


Specify whether you want visualization settings applied to your data download.

With visualization options applied Some visualization settings are applied to your download, such as show row numbers, hide row totals, show full field name, etc. 

Columns in table charts that have been manually rearranged appear in their original order in the download if the query includes any of the following elements: 

  • One or more table calculations 

  • One or more fields that are hidden from the visualization 

  • Three or more pivoted fields 

  • Row totals enabled 

As displayed in the data table Visualization options aren’t applied, and the download appears like the data table Peacock Ad Manager. 

Data values

Specify how you want downloaded query results to appear. 

Unformatted No special formatting is applied, such as rounding long numbers or adding special characters. This is often preferred when data is being fed into another tool for processing. 

Formatted Data appears similar to how it appears in Explore.

Number of rows to include

Choose how much data you want to download by selecting one of the following options: 

  • Current result table Download the current table, as shown. 

  • All results Download all available results. See More about All results below for important information. 

(warning) Use caution when downloading all results. Some queries are very large (thousands or millions of rows) which can overwhelm most spreadsheet programs — or even your Peacock Ad Manager instance. 

  • Custom Download up to 10,000 rows of data. 

More about All results 

This option is disabled for the following requests: 

  • Row totals or table calculations 

  • Percent of total, percent of previous, or running totals-type measures 

  • Pivoted columns that the system calculates 

  • When a request cannot retrieve data in chunks for processing (i.e., streaming)  

If the All results option is unavailable, you can use the Custom option to specify the maximum number of rows (10,000).

 If you select All results, you may also see the following options. 

  • Remove all sorts from query Prevent sorting on your query before you download the results. This may speed up your download, since sorting a query can be costly to performance for certain database types. This option is not supported for pivoted results. 

  • Allow large results 

Open in Browser

Click to open a TXT file in a new tab of your browser. From there, you can opt to download the information using your browser's controls. 


Click to initiate the download. A new tab in your browser will open, showing the status of your download. 

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