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Filter definitions for prebuilt dashboards

The following table defines available filters for the pre-built dashboards in Peacock Ad Manager.  

For custom reports, any field can become a filter. See Metric definitions and formulas for definitions.



Campaign Name

Depending on the dashboard, the filter appears as a checklist where you can select one or more values or uses conditional operators. 

To filter using conditions, enter an operator and then a value.  


If the condition is “Doesn’t contain” and the operator is “Campaign A,” the results show data for all campaigns except Campaign A. 

Attribution Model 

Defaults to the preferred attribution model you specified during account creation. 

  • Linear attribution distributes attribution across all contributing websites 

  • First touch assigns attribution entirely to the first exposure 

  • Last touch assigns attribution value entirely to the last exposure 

Attribution Window 

Defaults to the preferred attribution model you specified during account creation. “Advertiser specified attribution” is an optional attribution window you can define in your ad account settings.  

 (warning) Selecting a long attribution window can impact the data in your results. For example, if today is February 1, and you select a date range from January 1 to January 31 along with an attribution window of 45 days, it’s likely that all conversions aren’t yet represented in your tiles. 

BEST PRACTICE We recommend starting with a 14-day attribution window for CPA and a 30-day attribution window for CPM and adjusting from there.

Customer Status

CPA Optimization dashboard only.

Date Range 

The period of time you want to view data for. Select from the available options or enter a custom date range. 

Date ranges are inclusive. Depending on the metric tile, the date range may be based on the impression date (when the IP address was exposed to the ad) or the outcome date (when the desired action was taken).  

If you select “Last 90 Days” as your date range, the ROAS tile displays numbers for impressions shown in the last 90 days from today. This means that attributable outcomes for impressions shown toward the end of the time window (for instance, yesterday) may still be forthcoming (i.e., the person who saw the ad may not visit the website until tomorrow, or in the case of a 45-day attribution window, the person may not visit until next month), and the revenue may not yet be realized. As such, the numbers associated with the most recent impressions may continue to change. 


The conversion event(s) you’re tracking. See Guide to tracking essential business outcomes using pixels for details on setting up pixel tracking. 

(warning) You can select only one conversion event from this filter. To view metrics for multiple conversion events on the same report, create a custom dashboard.

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