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Work with creative in Peacock Ad Manager

You can’t launch a campaign without creative assets. Peacock Ad Manager makes it easy to upload and assign creative at any time during the campaign process. Our automated quality control process helps ensure that the creatives you upload meet NBCU Creative Guidelines.  

Creative workflow 

When building a campaign, you’ll be prompted to assign creative as part of the built-in Peacock Ad Manager workflow. However, you can make changes to creative at any time during campaign flight.  

View creative assets 

There are multiple ways to view your creative assets in Peacock Ad Manager. 

View all creatives for an advertiser 

View all uploaded creative for an advertiser in the Creative module.  

Screenshot of the left nav bar in Peacock Ad Manager with the Creative module selected.

Click the name of the creative to view the campaigns and ad groups that the creative is associated with and preview/watch the creative. 

Screenshot of the creative preview screen. It shows a video player where you can play the creative as well as all the ad groups where this creative is used.

The Creatives list displays only one ad group that the creative is assigned to. You must click on the creative in the list to see all the ad groups the creative is associated with.

View all creatives for a specific campaign 

To view a list of creatives assigned to a Paused or Active campaign, click the campaign name in the Active Campaigns list in the Creative module. 

To view creative uploaded to a Draft campaign, open the campaign. Current ad group details appear in the right summary bar. Use the navigation buttons in the workflow wizard to navigate and make updates as needed. 

Upload creative 

You’ll be prompted to upload creative as part of the Peacock Ad Manager workflow. But you can upload creative at any time. To assign a previously uploaded creative to a campaign, see Assign and unassign creative

  1. In the Active Campaigns list, click the name of the campaign you want to work with. 

  2. On the Ad Groups list, click Manage > Manage Ad Group for the ad group you want to enhance with new creative. 

  3. Scroll down to the Creative section and click Upload More Creatives

  4. On the Upload Creative tab, click Select Files to browse your computer or drag and drop the file into the designated area. 

  5. Change the file title (if desired) and adjust your weighting (if needed). 

  6. Click Save Ad Group

For new campaigns, you’ll be prompted to upload creative at the right time during the Peacock Manager workflow. Follow steps 4-6 above to upload your creative assets. 


For each campaign, we recommend starting with 3-5 creatives and a mixture of 15-second and 30-second lengths. 15-second spots tend to perform the best.

Naming creative 

By default, the title of all creative assets is the filename of the asset file you’re uploading. However, you can give the file a new title so you can more easily find it in the Creative Library. 

You can give a creative asset a title only on the Upload Creative screen. For new campaigns, this screen appears at the right time during the workflow. For existing campaigns, go to the Active Campaigns list, click Manage > Manage Campaign, and scroll down to the creative section. 

In the File Title field, type a name for the creative. The name is automatically saved. 

Screenshot of the File Title field. It also shows the green progress bar that appears when you upload a creative.

 Known issue

You can’t change the filename until after the creative is fully uploaded. The green progress bar must be at 100% for the system to save the new name. If you change the name before the file is fully uploaded, the system will keep the original filename. 

About the Creative Library 

All uploaded creatives for an advertiser are stored in the Creative Library, regardless of whether the creative is currently assigned to an ad group or part of an active campaign. This allows you to easily use the same creative assets across different campaigns and ad groups.   

Assign and unassign creative 

You must assign a creative asset to an ad group for it to serve. 

Any creative you upload as part of creating an ad group is automatically assigned. To use a creative asset from the Creative Library, click the Creative Library tab. Select the checkbox for the creatives you want to attach to this ad group and click Assign.  

To unassign creative, navigate to the Creative Library, select the creative you want to remove from the ad group, and click Unassign

About creative weighting 

Creative weighting specifies how often a particular ad will be served. By default, creative is set to weighted distribution. Turn the toggle off for random weighting. 

Random weighting Creative is served at random resulting approximately equal play among all selected creative. 

Weighted distribution Percentage of time each creative should be served. If you have only one creative for this ad group, it will be served 100% of the time. 

EXAMPLE A new feature film has two ads: one featuring top talent and one highlighting CGI and special effects. With random weighting, both ads will be played with equal frequency. For weighted distribution, you’ll specify which ad should be served more often based on your campaign goals. 

How weighted distribution works

Allocation percentage is determined by dividing a creative's weight by the sum of the weights of all creatives for that ad group.


Your weight values don’t have to add up to 100. The total weight for all the creatives can be more or less than 100.




% allocation

Creative A


50 / (50+100+150) = .1666


Creative B


100 / (50+100+150) = .3333


Creative C


150 / (50+100+150) = .5000


Total % allocation





% allocation

Creative A


20 / (20+50) = .2857


Creative B


50 / (20+50) = .7142


Total % allocation





% allocation

Creative A


10 / (10+45+25) = .125


Creative B


45 / (10+45+25) = .5625


Creative C


25 / (10+45+25) = .3125


Total % allocation


Edit creative weighting 

The system automatically sets all weighing to 100% by default.

  1. From the Ad Groups list, click Manage > Edit Weighting for the ad group you want to adjust. 

  2. Adjust your weighting type and/or percentages. See How weighted distribution works for help setting your values.

  3. Click Update Weighting

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